Below is a curated list of gifts that speak to the times. These times that call us to be kinder to our earth, while caring for our collective spirit and unique souls.
1) Ceremony Boxes for healing and celebration:
Personal note: These are beyond cool—I’m gifting three of these for the solstice this year!
2) Reusable & Sustainable Goods to make life easier:
Bonafide (Concord)
Just Naturals (Bedford)
3) Retreat Centers Gift Cards or Event Registrations—having portals to connect to our divine nature:
Kripalu (MA)
Rolling Ridge Retreat & Conference Center (MA)
Aryaloka Buddhist Center (New Market)
Full Spectrum Wellness (Bedford and Online) If you’d like a e-gift card for services or classes, just email
4) Floats—Floats are done is large tanks with pools of perfectly warmed salted water, so much so that you float on top as if suspended from gravity. It promotes a feeling of balance and well-being:
5) Spiritually Centered Magazine subscriptions—either digital or paper copy:
Lion’s Roar (Buddhist)
Tricycle (Buddhist)
6) Yoga, Circus Arts and Dance classes:
White Swan (Yoga-Manchester)
YogaCaps (Therapeutic and Adaptive Yoga)
Southern NH Dance Theater (Bedford)
Bare Knuckle Murphys (Circus Arts & Kickboxing, Manchester)
7) Eco-friendly Yoga Mats and Accessories:
8) Meditation Cushions & Supports:
Samadi (VT based)