Letting Go of Holiday Angst…Starting Now
By Debra LeClair Psy.D. I couldn’t help but notice that the holiday ads this year are already prodding us to outdo last year. Seriously?! Do we really have to be in competition with ourselves orRead more >
Workplace Wellness Programs and Productivity
The results of a local NH company: https://ow.ly/7igOz
Challenging the Negative: Diving Into The Glass Half Empty
An autumn of discontent is probably the last thing any of us want. However, many people are finding that the strains and consequences of the current global situation have hit home and are being feltRead more >
Getting to the Root of Stress
How To Unwind In 6 minutes
By Debra LeClair Psy.D. Recent research has validated what certain cultures have known for thousands of years: Allowing yourself to rest both during the day and at night when looking to fall asleep has aRead more >
Considering The Possibility of Thriving in a Painful Economy
A woman I know very well named Donna got laid off last month from a high-level hotel management job at a time when she was getting ready to buy a house. The lay off cameRead more >
Superfoods on the Cutting Edge– a clip worth seeing
Superfoods on the Cutting Edge-- a clip worth seeing https://ow.ly/6axMI sorry for the inevitable commercial in the beginning
Going deeper than just stress management
Going deeper than just stress management: 7 Practices For Present Moment Awareness https://ow.ly/60Kta. #2 you can do right now---
This goes deep… 10 Tips To Stay Balanced in a Teetering World
This goes deep... 10 Tips To Stay Balanced in a Teetering World: https://ow.ly/5PxZo