Finding Your Spiritual Anthem
Just before the pandemic hit, we did a blog called, 8 Spiritual Pop Songs to Inspire Your Day. For months now, another set of songs has been asking to be brought together. As musicRead more >
5 Questions for the Shift into Spring
As the tension of winter dissolves, the promise of bright blossoms returns and every hue of green pushes out from earthen roots to move skyward. Spring unfurls slowly here in northern New England. It’s asRead more >
Raising the Collective Consciousness for Ukraine
Thankfully, there are a multitude of organizations bringing aide and solace to the people of Ukraine, (How to Help Ukraine.) To foster hope and strength within the collective consciousness, there are ways bolster your spiritual supportRead more >
Inspired Winter Reading
An attuned way to be with winter is to focus inward. Going inside allows us to hear our deepest guidance and make space for what is most important now, and in our vision ofRead more >
8 Gift Ideas to Nourish The Soul
Below is a curated list of gifts that speak to the times. These times that call us to be kinder to our earth, while caring for our collective spirit and unique souls. 1) Ceremony BoxesRead more >
5 Reasons to Grow Your Gratitude
Gratitude is a divine emotion because when we feel thankful, it acts as a magnet for other positive emotions, so much so that it is impossible to ruminate on our worries. We simply can’t holdRead more >
The Wisdom of the Mystics: Favorite Quotes
The mystics have always been tasked with expressing a felt sense of the divine that is ineffable. This nourishment that comes through these words, opens the heart and resounds in our spirit. Here areRead more >
5 Podcasts for Fearful Nights and Anxious Mornings
When feeling like we are standing in groundlessness, its helps to have both the wisdom of the ancients and updated science to apply to all the uncertainty. Below is a curated list of 5 podcastsRead more >
Emerging Whole: How Retreats Help Us Navigate Our New World
As the country leapt into pre-pandemic activity this past holiday weekend, I felt a measure of overwhelm. While grateful we can truly connect with each other again, I am unused to traffic jams and standingRead more >