The Connection Between Gratitude and Abundance
Think about what it feels like to have gratitude. One of the meditations we do often in the Meditation 101 class is to become aware of the people, places, things, and situations in which weRead more >
5 Common Myths About Mindfulness
By Debra LeClair Psy.D. With decades of sound research bringing mindfulness into the mainstream, there are also misconceptions about what mindfulness is and how it is practiced. Below are some of the most common mythsRead more >
Thinking About a Spiritual Retreat? 5 Drivable Centers That Your Soul Will Love
It's a strong part of our human nature to seek time and space to nurture our spirit. Going on retreat is a way to clear the decks and allow for the process of unwinding andRead more >
7 Apps to Start You Meditating
By Guest Blogger, Elaine Clara Mah We’ve heard it a million times over: Meditation is extremely beneficial. But a daily meditation routine can be hard to include in our packed schedules. There’s also that palm-sizedRead more >
Thanksgiving 2016: 5 Ways to Keep The Peace
There is no doubt that this particular Thanksgiving brings an extra helping of stress, namely, the post-election tension and concerns about how that may play out at the table. Below are a few tips toRead more >
The Top 4 Ways Kids Benefit From Meditation
Running from school to soccer games, navigating the on and offline social world and filtering out the non-stop buzzes, beeps and violence playing out on the ever-present screens around us can frazzle any adult, muchRead more >
Chocolate (Sensory) Meditation
When we're practicing mindful eating, it's not just about noticing when your stomach feels full but about connecting to all the sensory pleasure that food brings us. When we eat mindlessly, we miss out onRead more >