How To Power Up Your New Year’s Resolution
To change anything you need good tools. This especially applies to the quest of achieving the New Year’s Resolution. Since shifting our habits involves transformations that have to happen on the psychological (mental and emotional)Read more >
Why Is It So Hard To Chill Out?
By Debra LeClair Psy.D. Most of us know a bunch of good ways to relieve stress and do something positive for our bodies. But just knowing it, doesn’t mean we are going to makeRead more >
Stuck On A Problem? Use the Mind Body Connection
By Debra LeClair Psy.D "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." -Albert Einstein But how can you shift your level of consciousness? There is a practice thatRead more >
How To Follow Your Impulse to Evolve
By Debra LeClair Psy.D. What does the cross-section of neuroscience, spirituality and psychology offer in regard to cultivating your own evolution as a person? Our ability to change—a habit, a behavior, an attitude begins withRead more >
A Simple Blueprint for Creating Life Balance
Summer provides us with an opportunity that can help over the entire year. It's hard to imagine work-life balance until you find that sweet spot where you know, even if it's for a day that,Read more >
A Mindfulness Excerpt
An excerpt form Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment -- and Your Life by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Inspiring People & amazing food @NH Veg
Inspiring People & amazing food @NH Veg Fest tip 4 pm today at MCC
Making A Clean Sweep: Living A Fulfilled Life
By Debra LeClair Psy.D. There’s a reason that spring gets associated with cleaning. After being enclosed in layers all winter, we are happily pulled out into the sun to wake up. Energized, we yearn toRead more >
Earth Day Meditation
We have a great opportunity to come together in unison to focus our positive thoughts for Mother Earth and Humanity. On Earth Day, Tuesday April 22nd, the world is invited to join together in meditationRead more >