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4 Wednesdays, Sept 23rd, Oct 7th & 21st, Nov 4th, 6:30-8 pm, Online

Right now, a need to bring our lives into alignment with our spiritual nature has become undeniable.  We get there best through a combination of solitude and shared experience as there is deep wisdom held within a gathering of souls, especially those on a similar quest.  The Anam Cara Circle is a hybrid of learning journey and small group coaching. Each session, we will employ spiritual practices and coaching tools to unwrap your personal vision and support its manifestation. Over four sessions, we will explore the following questions:

  • What do I really want for myself?
  • Where am I in alignment and where am I unconsciously denying my own fulfillment?
  • How do I befriend my doubts and fears?
  • What does my day-to-day life look/feel like when I embody my vision?

Groups are limited to 4-6 participants.  To further the learning and exploration, soulwork assignments will be given for the two weeks in between sessions.

For:  Those looking for a conscious path to walk now, and those who do well with an ongoing process that unfolds over time.

Fee: $160 per person for the series. This group is now full.


“ In the early Celtic church, a person who acted as a teacher, companion, or spiritual guide was called an anam cara. Someone you trusted to reveal the hidden intimacies of your life. With the anam cara you could share your innermost self, your mind and your heart. This friendship was an act of recognition and belonging. When you had an anam cara, your friendship cut across all convention, morality, and category. You were joined in an ancient and eternal way with the “friend of your soul.”      -John O’Donohue


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