Anam Cara Circle: Revealing the Wisdom of the Body

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4 Wednesdays, February 2nd, 16th & March 2nd, 16th, 6:30-8 pm, Online

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Right now, a need to bring our lives into alignment with our spiritual nature has become undeniable.  We get there best through a combination of reflection and shared experience as there is deep wisdom held within a gathering of souls, especially those on a similar quest.  The Anam Cara Circle is a hybrid of learning journey and small group coaching. Each session, we will employ spiritual teachings, practices and tools to better understand and befriend our collective spirits, psyches and especially our bodies.

In recent years, science has validated ancient knowledge that the body is not separate from the mind but can act as a true support and ally for all we are meant to experience, express and contribute.  In this winter’s Anam Cara, we will delve into the hidden wisdom of the body and how to attune to its rich guidance.

Over four sessions, we will explore the following questions:

  • In regard to spirituality, what role does the body play?
  • What are the chakras/energy centers, and how do we work with them?
  • What does the body know that the mind doesn’t?
  • How do we physiologically activate creativity and thrivability?
  • What are practices that integrate body and mind into better alignment?

Groups are limited to 10 participants.  To further the learning and exploration, soulwork assignments will be given for the two weeks in between sessions.

This offering is for those looking for a conscious path to walk now, and those who do well with an ongoing process that unfolds over time.

$160/for the series, per person


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