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Saturday, April 18th, 10:30am -1 pm

To thrive, the soul needs quiet—so do our nervous systems.  In a silent space, we can reconnect to our greater knowing where wisdom flows and peace rises up into our awareness. Join us for an experience of both sitting and walking meditation intermixed with optional journaling, all done within a compassionate community.

Recommended for those

– Holding meditation experience or an existing practice

– Thinking about venturing into a full day or multi-day silent spiritual retreat

The schedule:

10:15 – Arrival

10:30 – Overview/Instructions/ Guided stretch and meditation/Questions

11:00 – 1st sitting meditation

11:20 – Walking meditation

11:35 – Optional Journaling

11:40 – 2nd Sitting meditation

12:00 – 2nd Walking meditation

12:20 – Optional journaling

12:30 – Group discussion

12:50 – Setting intentions meditation

1:00 – Adjourn

To be held at Waterford Place,  1 Waterford Place, Manchester, NH


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