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When: Monday, Sept 13th, 6-7 pm

Where: Full Spectrum Wellness

For Who: For all levels of experience

Started in 2006, our long-running meditation class is for all levels of experience. Over the course of the hour, we will engage in 3-4 meditations and you will have opportunities to ask questions in between.  In addition to basic instruction, we’ll explore quieting the highly active mind and dealing with distractions.  Each session is designed to be stress-relieving and empowering.

All meditation is done seated in padded chairs that provide full support.  The space is wheelchair accessible.

Class Location Directions:  Full Spectrum Wellness is located at 3 Executive Park Drive in Bedford, NH, just off of South River Road.  We are inside CEO Bedford, Suite 201 on the 2nd floor.

Level 3: Standard Fee:  $15 for those who can pay without strain on their budgets


Level 2: Reduced Fee:  $10 for those who experience some financial limitation in being able to afford workshop experiences


Level 1: Reduced Fee:  $8 for those who experience financial hardship that prevents them from being able to participate in workshop experiences

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